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Nalétejte si potřebné hodiny s naší Time Building nabídkou!

Nalétejte si potřebné hodiny s naší Time Building nabídkou!!

Naše skvělé nabídky na balíčky Time Building zajistí, že piloti rychle nasbírají potřebné hodiny s ikonickými výhledy a nezapomenutelnými zážitky. Nabízíme výhody a benefity, které jsou přizpůsobeny různým lokalitám, včetně:

  • Ubytování zdarma
  • Férových cen pronájmu letadel
  • Vyzvednutí na letišti

Ceny pronájmu letadla již od 116 $/h

  • Time Building in the USA
  • Time Building in the USA
  • Time Building in the USA

Vyberte si lokalitu

Miami, Florida

Corona, Kalifornie

Van Nuys, Kalifornie

Chcete létat v Evropě?

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Naše flotila

  • Time Building in the USA

    Cessna 152

    K pronájmu již od 136 $/hod
  • Time Building in the USA

    Cessna 172

    K pronájmu již od 167 $/hod
  • Time Building in the USA

    Cessna 172 SP

    K pronájmu již od 192 $/hod
  • Time Building in the USA

    Piper Arrow

    K pronájmu již od 181 $/hod
  • Time Building in the USA

    Piper PA 28

    K pronájmu již od 167 $/hod
  • Time Building in the USA

Proč zvolit Flying Academy?

  • Celosvětový institut pro výcvik pilotů
  • Několik strategicky umístěných poboček po celém světě
  • Zkušení letečtí instruktoři
  • Skvělý zákaznický servis
  • Dostupné ceny
  • Žádné poplatky za pronájem letadla přes noc
  • Aktuální záznamy o údržbě
  • Rozmanitá flotila s více než 42 letadly
  • Neuvěřitelné ceny za pronájem letadel

Proč létat v USA

  • Nejlepší infrastruktura, bez přistávacích a komunikačních poplatků
  • Můžete procvičovat radio komunikaci ve velmi vytíženém vzdušném prostoru
  • Letiště s řídící věží, zpevněné ranveje a přibližovací světla
  • Poskytovaná služba řízení pro VFR lety pro zvýšení bezpečnosti
  • Letiště vybavené pro IFR lety, procvičování různých přiblížení
  • V Kalifornii a na Floridě skvělé počasí po celý rok
  • Time Building in the USA
  • Time Building in the USA

Přípravný kurz time building

  • Zajistí, že studenti budou plně připraveni před samotným létáním
  • Pokrývá teoretické znalosti z PPL
  • Seznámení s americkým vzdušným prostorem
  • Seznámení s předpisy Federálního úřadu pro letectví (FAA)
  • Špičková úroveň výuky prostřednictvím našich pokročilých virtuálních online lekcí
  • Možnost sledování pokroku v našem eLearningovém systému (LMS)
  • Detailní informace o leteckém přezkoušení pro validaci licence (flight review)

Konverze EASA / ICAO na FAA

Máte EASA licenci a chcete létat v USA? Flying Academy přináší program Konverze EASA na FAA, který vám usnadní přechod na létání v USA kdykoli budete chtít!

  • Time Building in the USA

Time Building Packages and Offers


The Cessna 152 is a two-seat, fixed tricycle gear, general aviation airplane, used for primary flight training, time building, and personal flying. The Cessna 152 is the most popular two-seat trainer.

100hrs Package (Offer)
For Corona:

✓ 5 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Miami:

✓ $600 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $600 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ $116/hr

✓ Airport pick up 

50hrs Package (Offer)
For Corona:

✓ 3 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Miami:

✓ $300 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $300 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $119/hr

25hrs Package
For Corona:

✓ 2 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Miami:

✓ $150 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $150 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ $121/hr

✓ Airport pick up 

Standard Package

✓ $124hr


Flying Academy offers time building in the locations below:

✓ Miami, Florida

✓ Corona, California

✓ Van Nuys, California

Minimum Requirements

PPL holder

C172 M&N

The Cessna 172 is a four-seater, single-engine, high-wing airplane. The Cessna 172 is used for PPL, IR, and CPL training.

100hrs Package (Offer)
For Corona:

✓ 5 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $600 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $147/hr

50hrs Package (Offer)
For Corona:

✓ 3 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $300 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $150/hr

25hrs Package
For Corona:

✓ 2 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $150 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $152/hr


Standard Package

✓ $155hr


Flying Academy offers time building in the locations below:

✓ Corona, California

✓ Van Nuys, California

Minimum Requirements

PPL holder

Piper PA 28

The Piper Warrior is a single-engine low-wing, fixed-gear, four-seater airplane. Provides better clearance between the wingtips and the ground, the dihedral angle, and great stability in the roll axis. 

100hrs Package (Offer)
For Corona:

✓ 5 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $600 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $147/hr

50hrs Package (Offer)
For Corona:

✓ 3 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $300 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $150/hr

25hrs Package
For Corona:

✓ 2 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $150 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ $152/hr

✓ Airport pick up 

Standard Package

✓ $155hr


Flying Academy offers time building in the locations below:

✓ Corona, California

✓ Van Nuys, California

Minimum Requirements

PPL holder

C172 SP

The Cessna 172 SP is a single-engine high-wing and fixed gear four-seater aircraft. The SP model is a newer model and with a more powerful engine and better climb performance.

100hrs Package (Offer)
For Corona:

✓ 5 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Miami:

✓ $600 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $600 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $157/hr

50hrs Package (Offer)
For Corona:

✓ 3 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Miami:

✓ $300 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $300 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $160/hr

25hrs Package
For Corona:

✓ 2 weeks of FREE accommodation  (in Corona, CA)

For Miami:

✓ $150 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

For Van Nuys:

✓ $150 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Van Nuys, CA)

Included with all locations:

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $162/hr

Standard Package

✓ $165hr


Flying Academy offers time building in the location below:

✓ Miami, Florida

✓ Corona, California

✓ Van Nuys, California

Minimum Requirements

PPL holder 120 Total Time

C172 RG

The Cessna 172 RG with its retractable gear is faster, more aerodynamic than other models, and capable of reaching up to 130 KIAS. Its constant-speed prop allows the engine to run at a slower RPM, resulting in a quieter flight.

100hrs Package (Offer)

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $600 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

✓ $161/hr

50hrs Package (Offer)

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $300 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

✓ $163/hr

25hrs Package

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $150 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

✓ $166/hr

Standard Package

✓ $168hr


Flying Academy offers time building in the locations below:

✓ Miami, Florida

Minimum Requirements

PPL holder

Piper Arrow

This normally aspirated 200-HP Piper Arrow is a true cross-country machine. At 144 KTS you will cover a lot of ground in a shorter time. Ideal for long cross country flights.

100hrs Package (Offer)

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $600 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

✓ 161$/hr

50hrs Package (Offer)

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $300 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

✓ $163/hr

25hrs Package

✓ Airport pick up 

✓ $150 discounted money will be transferred to your account with FA, which will be used for your training purposes. (in Miami, Florida)

✓ $166/hr

Standard Package

✓ $168hr


Flying Academy offers time building in the location below:

✓ Miami, Florida


Minimum Requirements

PPL holder 120 Total Time

*Airplane insurance is not included. $12/HR airplane insurance will be added for every flight hour flown.

Užitečné odkazy

Příručka uživatele leteckých map FAA